After years of lack of motivation, I finally decided to actually do it, renovate my room on my dad's Island. Got rid of clothes that hasn't been worn for years, destroyed about 100 spiderwebs (sorry spiders), Sneezed away trillion tons of dust and painted white over one of the most weird yellow colours you can find, but I did it. With some help from my dad of course. So happy with the result, just what I wanted and a bit more. I was aiming for a clean, fresh, vintage, retro, shabby chic, old romantic look, and I think I received a tiny bit of all them categories. All furniture's are old, and has just been lying around in our old house, finally useful. Can't wait to go and visit dad in Finland again!

Most of the paintings are made by my grandmother, Gun Hohenthal.
if you can see the vase on the picture above, it's the same one as on the painting.
amazing right!

the painting on the picture above is from an amazing artist from Italy, my dad found it in a tiny little shop in Rome in the '60. I love it.

Fuzzy Shoe