To get that extra shiny gloss to your hair, apply a couple of drops in wet or dry hair. This is one of the best serums I have used. It adds nourishment and strength to my hair, it's a heat protector with Jojoba, Avocado Oil and lets not forget the fragrance, watermelon (my favorite).

Lee Stafford, Dry Shampoo
Could not survive without this dry shampoo. Lee Stafford's products are one of my favorites. If there is no time for a hair wash, I apply it the first thing in the morning, and in the late afternoon I spray another application. A dry shampoo is never gonna make your hair look new washed, but this one absorbs the oil and it makes my hair look fresher. A perfect time saver.

TIGI BED HEAD, Some like it hot.
A perfect serum to provide heat and humidity. It protects my hair colour and it adds shine and smoothes my hair without weighing it down. Perfect for blow drying my hair, it feels a bit heavy if I apply it before flat ironing. Don't use to much, It makes my hair look more greasy than anything. Fragrance is amazing, I think it is Coconut, not sure >.< Can't wait to use it in the winter to see if it really fights humidity.

Umberto Giannini, Backcomb In A Bottle
I have heard mixed reviews on this product, but I absolutely love it. If you don't fancy
backcombing your hair, then this one will do the job for you. With a bit of teasing with my fingers, I got that Hollywood-glamorous-volumised look , so easy. I bought the small bottle, fits perfectly in my going out bag. Got it from Superdrug for £1,99.
Fuzzy Shoe