How grateful aren't we for finding this amazing house! It's an old Victorian house, only 5 minutes walk from Hanley city. High sealing with old shabby chic, vintage details to it. This house has got character and is one of the oldest one on this street. 4 floors with 2 toilets. A massive kitchen. We are sharing it with 4 other housemates, so far so good! All I need to get is some new curtains and some nice decorations! We have got a lovely big garden, and I can't wait til its spring so I can do some gardening, yeee!

The flooring in the hallway is so beautiful, proper antique! love it!

Such a interesting house, lots of details and personality!

Been bidding on Ebay for some old wooden storage boxes from old ships. Gonna look amazing!

Needs new curtains!!!

Our own beautiful antique fireplace. Just needs a tiny bit of work, that's all!

Owl from the flee market, 2 for £1.00, what a bargain!
Will show you some more pics when we are proper settled in.
Fuzzy Shoe