Thursday, February 24, 2011
I'm in deep trouble.

"A woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting." ~Christian Dior
Down from the left: Glamour, I love LOVE and toujours Glamour.
One of my favourite perfumes at the moment is MOSHINO's EDP five collection set. All of them smells lovely but my top favourite is Glamour (the red one). The fragrance is really fruity and floral, just the way I like it. I think all these fragrances are suitable for all kinda events.

Friis & Co. Bags

Friis & Co. are absolutely one of my favourite stores. Their bags and shoes are so fabulous and let's not forget their jewellery! I always get a dilemma in their shops; I just want to buy all their stuff! Their clothing and accessories are not expensive and you can always find something adorable in the shop. If you have not got a shop near you then you can buy online on their homepage http://www.friis-co.dk/ ! I will post some more of my Friis & Co. items later!

Friday, February 18, 2011
Our little "Irish" night!
Fuzzy Shoe

Can't wait for SUMMER!
- You Can't wear super high heels. It's dangerously slippery so you are scared to death about falling over and break your neck, arm leg you name it.
- YOU ARE SO STATIC all the time. Your hair looks like a super bad perm and let's not forget the clothes, Gawh, they goe so static on your body, so that super-duper nice fluffy dress you bought now look more like a sausage roll on you.
- You have to dress up looking like a Michelin man, so you won't freeze to death.
So yes, let's just say that winter is not fabulous. But summer is! You have got all the festivals!! This year I'm going to Roskilde Festival in Denmark. We tried to get some tickets for Glastonbury Festival in England but they got sold out in 4 hours (?!?!?!!), that would have been so awesome to go there for 5 days. But Roskilde will do. I just love that feeling of festivals, no worries at all, no need to dress up or do your make up, you just need a tent and some good friends. You hear music all the time and that is all that matters. You get a little "Hippie" feeling!
And let's not forget all the lovely outfits you can wear in the summer. This summer fashion is going to be awesome. Toned down/down to earth clothes, a mix of the '50, '60 and '70, flowers, Indie, biker chic and vintage. Can't wait!

Fuzzy Shoe

LUSH! Lip Balm "Honey Trap"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Cute money saver!

At the moment I'm diggin'...
Shoes, Shoes, and maybe some more Shoes?

Friday, February 11, 2011
I went through some old pics....

Can't wait!

Thursday, February 10, 2011
My families art

There's no place like home

"KANEBO Treatment lip colour"

At the moment I can't live without my.......

A lovely new pair of wellies!
How could you resist buying these adorable wellies? Got them for 29,99 € (!!). They are so so comfy and warm. They are perfect for this ice cold weather that we are dealing with up here in Finland. I might pimp them up a bit and put some cute pink bows on the buckle. Anyways, adorable!