By all means let's be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out.

//Richard Dawkins

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain"

Thanks alot that its not sunny outside! Because today I'm not going to do anything else than help my brother move out from his flat! He is off to Sweden to study music, good boy! This is the fifth move I'm doin within 2 months, and oh yes It's the last one, at least for a while! We are trying to get our "moving" inspiration and motivation going on, so it will feel a bit easier, I absolutely hate moving flats! At the moment Cat Stevens is singing Peace Train and the song absolutely makes me think happy thoughts and makes me believe that I can do anything! It's funny but I do work like this, good music, me good! bad music, me bad! But it has to be good tunes of course, Todays music is not worth listening to (Not sayin all bands, but I don't unerstand people who listen to Rihanna, Pitbull, Akon, Justin Biber, Britney Spears, or that effing Alexandra stan song, it's fucking shait!) its all about sex, women, try to get famous with a shitty song, everything is about money! right?

So I'm gonna share this absolutely best song to listen to if you feel down, dull or sad! Admit, this is better than the pop (poop)music today! No Doubts!!

Fuzzy Shoe