Frida my Hippie-Gal
Wafy and Jalle

I'm at the moment in Rostock, Germany with my tiny cute little adorable ship! Yesterday we got the change to go down town and shop til we dropped, more or less! This must be one of the best thing working here, absolutely a big plus! We shop like mofos and then we meet up for dinner and some nice cool drinks! I thinks it's really cosy and we always have a great time together. Even though we all are so extremely different on this ship! You can say that we are a big "happy" family, we have to go trough blood, sweat and tears 2gether, but oh my how we can have fun! Is not that how a working place is suppose to be like? surrounded by laughter and people you can trust 100%? I love working here, the only thing I believe is a bit negative with working on ships, is that it's not so easy to develop and you can easily get "stuck" on a ship. I really hope that it wont happen to me, because I believe I am meant to do other stuff, but at the moment I am really satisfied with my job in all ways! BIG YES!
Fuzzy Shoe