By all means let's be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out.

//Richard Dawkins

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sugar rush.

I have been baking for almost everyday for the past 3 weeks. Luckily, I have not put any weight on, must be because of my daily walks I've started. Good. Well back to baking, some pics of some delicious delights.

Breakfast Scones a la Cupcake, with whipped cream and Jam. Perfect for Sunday Breakfast!

This Rasberry-blackberry cheese cake with whipped cream is dangerous, and I mean it. A couple weeks ago i decided to try out this yummie, it all ended with me eating the whole cake that day. I know it's not healthy, but f me it was sooo nice.So I decided to make one yday for our traditional Sunday Dinner at Kirby's and Ruth's house.

tomorrow is my love's birthday and we are gonna celebrate it with a cosy dinner at home and my babes favorite cake, the Cheesecake a la ice cream. Can't wait.

Fuzzy Shoe